Ioasalamr trip to Cham we see reluctance to pray in the Church of the Resurrection so as not choking Muslims Christians to their churches following the example of it, and we're seeing puts blocks Aqsa Mosque as we know it, and we see in his visit to Damascus - the capital of Syria - after Saracens, and see his commander who fought siege of Jerusalem - Amr ibnAas - asked for permission to open Egypt asks Ibn Khattab period of reflection.In this episode faces Omar and one of the biggest misfortunes experienced by the Arabian Peninsula, a drought "in Alrmadh" where Declined rain and spread scabies and death fever and say food, forbidding Omar himself eating meat sufficient oil until ordeal and Contact workers on States to send food to the rescue of the islandThey did Vksmha among his people and the people of the countryside in a way that is breathtaking.
There is also a record for the number of positions famous historically for Omar bin Khattab, like his position on his son Abdullah ibn Umar when he saw camels stockiest of Ebel Muslims in the market and told him to take capital and is surplus to the house of money, and we see Yuli Abu Huraira on Bahrain and speak out on the novel talkthe Messenger of Allah and counted his money before assuming the caliphate, and see him punished holds camel can not endure and ordering Jewish beggar tender of the house of money and dropping tribute to him and his ilk.
It ends episode but one of the most events symbolic significance Omar marry Umm Kulthum's daughter Fatima Zahra and Ali Ibn Abi Talib to fuse to the Messenger of Allah, and believe in the house of Ali may Allah be pleased with him his sons youngsters who called them names companions Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman love them.
There is also a record for the number of positions famous historically for Omar bin Khattab, like his position on his son Abdullah ibn Umar when he saw camels stockiest of Ebel Muslims in the market and told him to take capital and is surplus to the house of money, and we see Yuli Abu Huraira on Bahrain and speak out on the novel talkthe Messenger of Allah and counted his money before assuming the caliphate, and see him punished holds camel can not endure and ordering Jewish beggar tender of the house of money and dropping tribute to him and his ilk.
It ends episode but one of the most events symbolic significance Omar marry Umm Kulthum's daughter Fatima Zahra and Ali Ibn Abi Talib to fuse to the Messenger of Allah, and believe in the house of Ali may Allah be pleased with him his sons youngsters who called them names companions Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman love them.
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