Episode 29 - (بر خاکستر تنور) On the Oven Ashes تنور کی راکھ میں
Here in this part two persons who martyred Imam Hussain A.S in Karbala, escaped also with Shimr from Kufa but when they heared voices of coming of horses, they left Shimr and escaped but shimr was killed by Police of Mokhtar,, now both they went to a village away from Kufa , here a person stayed there and other was not agree to stay there and went away from that village,, who stayed there was killed soon by Police of Mokhtar ,,
Khuli bin Yazid Al Azbahi was a man who cut the head of Imam Hussain A.S in Karbala , Police of Mokhtar arrived to home of Khuli , his wife said , he is not at home at that time, but she pointed towards a place in her home with her hand, Police of Mokhtar Saqfi arrested Khuli from his Kitchen , Mokhtar ordered to Kill Khuli bin Yazid and also said to burn his dead body ,,, wife of Khuli bin Yazi Al Azbahi was from Hazar Maut , she became enemy of her husband Khuli after she came to know that her husband cutt the head of Imam Hussain A.S.
Here in this part two persons who martyred Imam Hussain A.S in Karbala, escaped also with Shimr from Kufa but when they heared voices of coming of horses, they left Shimr and escaped but shimr was killed by Police of Mokhtar,, now both they went to a village away from Kufa , here a person stayed there and other was not agree to stay there and went away from that village,, who stayed there was killed soon by Police of Mokhtar ,,
Khuli bin Yazid Al Azbahi was a man who cut the head of Imam Hussain A.S in Karbala , Police of Mokhtar arrived to home of Khuli , his wife said , he is not at home at that time, but she pointed towards a place in her home with her hand, Police of Mokhtar Saqfi arrested Khuli from his Kitchen , Mokhtar ordered to Kill Khuli bin Yazid and also said to burn his dead body ,,, wife of Khuli bin Yazi Al Azbahi was from Hazar Maut , she became enemy of her husband Khuli after she came to know that her husband cutt the head of Imam Hussain A.S.
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