Episode 3(نیش عقرب) Sting of the Scorpion بچھو کا ڈنک
Hazrat Mukhtar (RA) is that soldier of Islam who took revenge from Yazidan-e-waqt (tyrants of the age) of the killing of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS), the grandson of Prophet (PBUH&HP), and his companions. He is that lover of Aal-e-Muhammad (PBUT) who is
The fruit of prayers of Rasool (PBUH&HP) and Ali (AS),
Sun and moon of the sky of bravery,
Wrath of Allah on Yazidan-e-waqt (tyrants of the age),
Cause of pride for Ummat-e-Muhammadi (PBUH&HP),
Who brought coolness to the grieved and afflicted hearts of Ahl-e-Bayt (AS),
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